Muslim 'love' slogan campaign for 'Love for all, hatred for none' is the message appearing on buses in It's from the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association and mirrors a similar series of adverts produced for buses by atheists last year. Munir Ahmed, President of the Huddersfield Association, hopes the message will change public opinion. He says:"Hopefully these banners will catch the eye to give a positive message for a change." The campaign posters are supported by a new website and are an extension of the initial launch in The idea is to emphasise ideals that relate to the Islamic faith, but do not always attract media attention. The slogans on the buses are the key themes of peace, respect, equality, freedom, and loyalty. Munir Ahmed says: "Those are the core Islamic values and we want to make sure that message goes out to everybody, a positive message." Mohammed Iqbal is President of the Bradford North Ahmadiyya Association. He says: "We think it's important to convey the peaceful nature of Islam. The fear is that if you keep on seeing the negative images in the media it will have an impact." The campaign has received support from Godfrey Bloom, Last year an atheist group ran a similar campaign with bus slogans saying 'There's probably no God - so stop worrying and enjoy your life.' Naomi Phillips of the British Humanist Association says she felt that campaign had stimulated religious debate. She welcomes the Muslim bus poster campaign now running in The Ahmadiyya Muslim community differs from many Muslims in its belief in the importance of the writings of its founder Hadhrat Ahmad, who the community believes is the Promised One 'awaited throughout the world in various faiths'. |
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Love Slogan Campaign
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