Monday, April 12, 2010

Isu Pembuangan Bayi

Isu hangat di Malaysia yang sering dipekatakan di TV dan media masa sekarang ini adalah kes pembuangan bayi, sehingga akhbar melaporkan bahawa Selangor mencatat jumlah tertinggi dalam kes yang amat menyakitkan hati ini. lihat

Mana tidaknya, orang yang melakukan perbuatan sedemikian rupa lebih teruk daripada binatang, kalau  kita lihat binatang, ia akan berusaha melindungi anak yang ia lahirkan daripada serangan musuh walaupun ia tahu membahayakan dirinya. Apa yang penting baginya, anak yang dia telah lahirkan, melindunginya adalah tanggungjawabnya.

Kenapa kes ini boleh terjadi? Banyak faktor yang dikemukakan oleh pelbagai pihak.

Shahrizat berkata, antara punca berlakunya masalah pembuangan bayi apabila mangsa, wanita hamil luar nikah berasa takut dan malu kerana tidak mendapat sokongan keluarga, khuatir dihukum sekiranya masyarakat umum mengetahuinya dan bayi yang dilahirkan cacat.

Kurang pendidikan agama, tiada pengetahuan mengenai khidmat bantuan sokongan seperti khidmat kaunseling dan perkhidmatan perlindungan untuk diri dan anak, bapa kepada bayi yang dilahirkan ghaib dan tidak mahu bertanggungjawab selain wanita pendatang asing tanpa izin takut diusir apabila meminta pertolongan, katanya.

Kemana perginya nilai kasih sayang sebagai seorang insan, sebagai seorang manusia, asyraful makhluqaat, makhluk yang terbaik kerana dikurniakan otak dan minda? Kemana perginya naluri seorang wanita yang bergelar ibu?

Pergaulan Bebas

Sebenarnya isu begini timbul sekiranya tidak ada kawalan terhadap perlakuan anak-anak, ibu bapa tidak memperhatikan aktiviti harian anak-anak sehingga mereka bebas berbuat apa sahaja yang mereka rasakan seronok tanpa memikirkan akibat-akibat di kemudian hari.

Dan juga, inilah akibat daripada perlanggaran hukum-hukum yang telah diajarkan oleh Allah Ta'ala di dalam Al-Qur'an. Tidak mungkin seseorang yang benar-benar ikhlas mengikuti perintah Allah dan Rasul-Nya akan terjebak dalam hal-hal yang kritikal seperti ini.

Allah telah memerintahkan manusia lelaki dan wanita untuk menjauhi keburukan. Lelaki lebih awal mendapat arahan berbanding wanita untuk menundukkan pandangan. Dan oleh kerana lelaki lebih nakal dan kurang rasa malu berbanding wanita, sebab itu wanita juga diperintahkan untuk menundukkan pandangan dan menjaga kemaluan. Walau bagaimanapun, disebabkan fitrat seorang lelaki, adalah lebih baik bagi kaum wanita agar jangan memperlihatkan kecantikan mereka agar dapat terhindar dari pandangan lelaki yang dibuat tanpa ada rasa takut.

Inilah yang diajarkan dalam Islam. Setiap insan diajarkan bagaimana menghindari keburukan. Keburukan ini atau amalan pergaulan bebas ini mungkin akibat pengaruh Barat yang penyebarnya adalah TV dan media masa. Ada masyarakat Barat yang tidak merasa malu menzahirkan perbuatan buruk mereka. Saya pasti,  setiap dari kita pun memang banyak mendengar tentang cara hidup bebas yang diamalkan di Barat, tidak kira samada dari segi cara makan, cara berpakaian dan cara pergaulan.

Seperti orang-orang Eropah yang tegas dalam menyuarakan ‘jangan bertudung’, ini adalah sama sekali tidak sesuai. Kebebasan wanita seperti ini adalah akar perbuatan yang memalukan. Lihat keadaan akhlak rakyat negara-negara yang mengamalkan kebebasan seperti ini. Jika dengan kebebasan dan ‘jangan bertudung’ ini telah menimbulkan perasaan malu, dan ramai yang telah menjadi suci, maka kita akan akur bahawa kita salah anggap terhadap mereka. Tetapi keadaan ini memang amat jelas apabila ada lelaki dan gadis muda, juga ada kebebasan dan tidak bertudung, lihat betapa bahayanya hubungan di antara mereka. Pandangan berahi dan keinginan yang kuat akan menewaskan kebanyakan insan.

Dan lagi, keadaan di mana terdapat sistem menutup aurat pun terjadi perbuatan yang memalukan, adakah dalam suasana kebebasan begitu tidak akan berlaku apa-apa? Maksudnya, walaupun sudah berusaha menjaga segala tatatertib berpakaian, namun keburukan tetap sahaja berlaku, jadi, apalagi kalau memang  cara hidup yang begitu bebas dan tanpa sekatan, sudah pasti lebih banyak keburukan boleh terjadi.

Kalau isu pergaulan bebas, kita selalu menuding jari masyarakat Barat. Itu ajaran mereka dan anggapan mereka itulah lifestyle yang bertamadun. Itupun sudah cukup menjadikan hati kita bergetar melihat perbuatan mereka.

Tetapi, yang paling menyayat hati kita ialah ada juga beberapa wanita Islam juga yang terperangkap dengan perkara yang kompleks seperti ini. Ada wanita yang mengatakan bahawa ‘kalau anak saya tidak memakai tudung, dan dia pakai jeans atau jenis pakaian yang lain, jangan kata apa-apa terhadap dia, dia amat bersopan santun kerana dia tidak berkawan rapat dengan lelaki. Biar dia bebas, dia lebih tahu mana yang baik dan mana yang buruk.’

Dalam tidak sedar, inilah satu didikan yang memberi kerosakan kepada anak-anak. Jika hari ini mereka tidak berkawan, esok boleh saja berkawan. Kalau hari ini tidak berbuat keburukan, mereka akan mengambil faedah dari kebebasan itu dan akan terjerat dalam keburukan. Jika mereka bebas, tahu mana baik dan buruk, dan mereka bebas dari hal ini, iaitu tidak patuh terhadap arahan Islam atau tuntutan Al-Qur’an, maka seterusnya mereka bebas juga dari agama, bebas dari peraturan agama. DAN DARI SITULAH PERMULAAN CARA HIDUP BEBAS, bebas berbuat apa sahaja, halal haram tidak lagi dipedulikan, muhrim bukan muhrim tidak lagi jadi ukuran.

Jadi, nasihat kepada ibu bapa, perhatikan anak-anak jika mahu selamat. Memerhatikan di sini bukan hanya dengan mengurung anak-anak di rumah, tidak boleh berjalan dengan mana-mana kawan, dan kita sudah merasa puas apabila anak-anak duduk di rumah. Sebenarnya itu belum lagi cukup. Dunia sekarang tidak ada sempadan, semua perkara boleh tembus ke dalam bilik anak-anak. Penggunaan Internet, Telefon Bimbit, ini semuanya adalah faktor. Perhatikanlah anak-anak kita secara menyeluruh.

Seharusnya, apabila mendengar berita-berita ini, hati kita gementar, dan sebagai ibu bapa harus banyak berdoa, dan di samping usaha yang gigih dalam memperhatikan atau mengawai anak-anak, kita serahkan mereka kepada Allah yang maha Melihat dan Maha berkuasa. Kita muhasabah diri, jangan sampai akibat kelemahan kita dalam menunaikan perintah Tuhan, kita diuji dengan ujian yang begitu berat. Jangan sampai anak-anak yang kita sayangi dirompak kesucian mereka daripada kita.

Dunia sekarang sudah lain, ia lain dari zaman kita dan zaman ibu bapa atau datuk nenek kita yang dahulu. Dunia sekarang sudah begitu mencabar yang memaksa kita agar lebih banyak tunduk di hadapan Tuhan jika mahu kita dan anak keturunan kita selamat. Banyak beristighfar, banyak berdoa, banyak bersalawat dan banyak memperbaiki diri adalah antara resepi untuk kebahagian hidup. Dan yang paling penting ialah, apapun yang kita lakukan, ia mendapat keredhaan Allah Ta'ala.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Jangan Khianat

Berkenaan dengan perbuatan khianat, Allah Ta’ala menjelaskan di dalam Al-Qur’an surah An-Nisa ayat 108 yakni  “Janganlah kamu berdebat (untuk membela) orang-orang yang mengkhianati dirinya. Sesungguhnya Allah tidak menyukai orang-orang yang selalu berkhianat lagi bergelimang dengan dosa.

Dalam satu hadis ada dinyatakan bahawa Hazrat Abu Hurairan meriwayatkan Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: jika ada sesuatu pada kamu yang diletakkan sebagai amanat, kembalikanlah amanat itu. Dan janganlah kamu berlaku khianat, walaupun terhadap orang yang telah berlaku khianat kepada kamu sebelumnya. (Abu Daud, Kitabul Buyu’, bab  Fir Rijli Ya’khuzu Haqqahu)

Hazrat Masih Mau’ud a.s berkata: “Segi yang lain dalam meninggalkan kejahatan adalah amanah dan kejujuran. Yakni, dia tidak mahu memberikan kesusahan kepada orang lain dengan merampas harta harta orang lain secara jahat dan niat buruk. Jadi, jelas bahawa kejujuran dan amanah adalah keadaan tabi’i manusia. Seorang bayi yang minum susu ibu, disebabkan dia masih kecil, tabiatnya masih sederhana, dan juga walaupun umur yang masih mentah, dia tidak biasa dengan adat buruk, iaitu tidak suka dengan barang kepunyaan orang lain, yakni susu dari wanita yang lain sukar sekali untuk diminum olehnya”. (Islam Usul Ki Filosofi, Rohani Khazain jilid 10 halaman 344)

Freedom of Speech

Freedom of Speech and Tolerance in Islam
An address by Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim community delivered in Baitul Futuh Morden on 25 March 2006.

Some months ago, a Danish newspaper published some cartoons about the Holy Founder of Islam, Hadhrat Muhammad(saw) in which, unfortunately, an attempt was made to show that the law and teaching brought by him is one of extremism. As a result, terrorism and cruelty has begun to grow in the hearts of the followers of Islam. It is alleged that and Muslims believe that the solution to all their problems lies in adopting a cruel and barbaric attitude. According to them there is no concept of tolerance, reconciliation or love and affection in Islam.

Non-Muslims draw this conclusion based on the incorrect behaviour and improper actions of the so-called Jihadi organisations (that is to say those who are trigger-happy and call their act a holy war) and the attacks of their suicide bombers. Instead of solving issues through love and understanding, they display obstinacy and intolerance. Then, some scholars of today, unfortunately, support such Jihadi organisations even though their actions are totally opposed to the teachings of Islam.

But I wish to say just one thing that may perhaps be construed as if I am supporting such Jihadi organisations. The ultimate decisive authority assumed by the superpowers in respect of the poor and under-developed nations and the double standards in the manner in which the superpowers deal with these nations, is the cause of this violent natural reaction by these nations. Admittedly, this is not an Islamic method and is totally against the teachings of Islam. However, in this day and age, the trend not to conform to the teachings of one’s faith is as prevalent amongst followers of other religions as it is amongst Muslims whose majority is by lip-service Muslim even though their deeds are not Islamic. In due course, a reformer is needed to make the act of the people conform to the teachings. This is why the Ahmadiyya Muslim community holds the belief that when, with the passage of time, the people begin to forget the teachings of their faith, then equipped with guidance from God, God sends prophets or reformers who bring mankind back to the ways of God, and thus remind man to discharge the obligations due to the Creator and His creation.

We Muslims believe that there have been 124,000 messengers who have come to the world. They identified the One God and taught man to live in love and affection with each other. The last person to bring a new Law and teaching was Hadhrat Muhammad(saw) . In other words, a Muslim believes in all prophets and reformers from Adam to Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon them all.

Moreover, an Ahmadi Muslim believes that in accordance with what past prophets prophesied about a Reformer for the latter days, that Reformer has indeed come and we believe in him. Nevertheless, the Law and teaching is, of course, the same as that brought by Hadhrat Muhammad(saw).

The purpose of this introduction is that a religion that requires belief in and respect of all prophets and believes that the teachings revealed to them at the time of their advent was true, then how can it be said that such a religion does not teach tolerance of other faiths? How can it not teach reconciliation and harmony with other faiths? How can it teach the habit of religious intolerance and advocate living with others in anything but love and affection? It is impossible. That there is no forbearance in this religion and no freedom of opinion or speech is an unfounded allegation against Islam.

In keeping with the constraints of time, I shall highlight a few examples of what the teachings of Islam are about tolerance; what the meaning of the freedom of expression and the right to hold an opinion are; what practical example the Prophet of Islam established of this beautiful teaching; and, the tradition set by those Muslims who followed in his footsteps. I hope that as a result, some prominent aspects of this beautiful teaching will become clear.

But firstly, I would like to say that the very name ‘Islam’ contains an antidote for cruelty, the inability to put up with others and the absence of tolerance. I shall define some of the main meanings that the word ‘Islam’ incorporates. One meaning is peace, another meaning is submission and obedience, yet another is making peace and achieving reconciliation. One meaning is to leave someone when he is likely to cause you harm, another meaning is to walk together in harmony. The purpose of telling you about these definitions of the name of Islam given by God Almighty to this religion is because the sum total of its teachings and the Muhammadan Laws include within it love, tolerance, endurance, and freedom of conscience and speech and the right to express an opinion.

After this brief clarification, let me mention the teachings about the freedom of conscience, belief and opinion and tolerance that the Holy Qur’an (the Sacred Book of Muslims) gives us. It should be remembered that when something is attributed to a religion, then the first point of reference has to be that religion’s book of law in which the legal code, tenets, and teachings are set out.

When the Holy Prophet(saw) claimed that he was a Messenger and by the command of Allah Almighty proclaimed that he was the Prophet sent with the final Law and the only means of salvation was to accept Islam and adapt their lives in accordance with the commandments of God Almighty, then this proclamation was stated as follows by God Almighty: And say, ‘It is the truth from your Lord; wherefore let him who will, believe, and let him who will, disbelieve.’… (Ch. 18:V.30)

Thereafter, God has preserved this task unto Himself as to how to treat the one who does not believe. God will determine this matter whether in this world or the Hereafter. Therefore, O Prophet and O ye who believe in this Prophet, your work is only to convey the Message. In the interest of maintaining an environment of love and affection and tolerance, you should promote this message with kindness. Because you believe that in accordance with the teaching given to you by God, your religion is right and based on the truth, it is a requirement of kindness to mankind that what you hold to be true for yourself, you should share it with the rest of mankind and include them also in this commandment.

It may be objected that the permission to let people believe or disbelieve was given to the people of Makkah at a time when the position of the Muslims was very weak. It may be said that this is why such words were used so that the disbelievers of Makkah do not cruelly destroy all the Muslims.

This objection is a weak argument. Despite this commandment, the disbelievers of Makkah did not flinch a muscle in their cruelty to the Muslims. They persecuted them because of their faith. Some were laid on burning coal, others were made to lie on the burning sand in the mid-day sun. Some were tied with their legs to two camels and the camels driven in opposite directions cutting asunder the Muslim in two halves. Even the women were beaten and not spared this torture. So if the verse I quoted earlier was meant to save the Muslims from cruelty, then history proves that it did not serve that purpose. This commandment was not limited to that time but is preserved in the Holy Qur’an to this day.

I have given this example of barbaric cruelty so that you can keep this context in your mind. Once again, in keeping within the constraints of time, I hope that you will understand from the one or two events that I will relate, the extent to which Islam grants the freedom of conscience and requires tolerance and reconciliation.

Fed up with the cruelty inflicted by their fellow countrymen, the Muslims migrated to Madinah. First of all, the poor and weak Muslims migrated followed by the Holy Prophet of Islam(saw). Upon his arrival, a pact was drawn with the Jews of Madinah who had not become Muslim at that time stating how the communities were to live together and remain free and how each other’s rights were to be discharged.

I shall mention one or two covenants of this pact of coexistence. But before that a teaching of the Holy Qur’an states:

There should be no compulsion in religion…(Ch.2:V.257)
This commandment was revealed in Madinah. Let me remind you that by that time, a majority of the inhabitants of Madinah had become Muslim, or they were people who had no interest in religion and they joined the Muslims as birds of the same flock. When seen from that vantage point, the Muslim population represented a dominant majority. On the other side were the Jews who ruled and in whose hands lay the power before the arrival in Madinah of the Holy Prophet(saw). But now the Jews were reduced to a minority.
As a consequence, and being the Head of State, the governance of the Holy Prophet Muhammad(saw) was firmly established. Now he held the power. However, the commandment was that ‘you will not use compulsion in religion, nor shall you use force against those weak persons who even though they are not Muslim, have joined you as your kith and kin, nor shall you use force against the Jews who live under your domain.’ But you can see from the pact that was drawn up how an atmosphere of love and affection, freedom of belief and tolerance was created. The pact runs somewhat as follows:

• Muslims and Jews shall live together with each other in kindness and sincerity and shall not commit any excess nor be cruel to one another;

• The Jews will keep to their own faith, and Muslims to their own;

• The life and property of all citizens shall be respected and protected save in the case a crime has been committed by someone;

• All disputes will be referred for the Prophet of Allah’s decision because he has the determining authority but all decisions in respect of individual people shall be based on their respective laws.

And there are, of course, other terms of this agreement in addition to the four I have quoted. Now, see what effort has been used to establish a liberal and compassionate atmosphere in society. At that time there were no national laws. Each person lived in accordance with the traditions and laws of his or her own clan or tribe. The Holy Prophet(saw) did not say that you are a minority, and as might is right, you have to comply with the laws of the Muslim majority. Instead, the condition of the agreement was that your affairs would be determined on the basis of your own laws. This is the first charter of freedom of conscience and faith in Islam.

Giving other excellent examples of toleration, the Holy Qur’an explains that no matter what the circumstance, you are not to abandon tolerance. Irrespective of the cruelties inflicted on you, you are not to act other than with justice and take revenge by being just as cruel. If you do that, you are misguided. To call you a Muslim would be meaningless. The Holy Qur’an states:

…and let not a people’s enmity incite you to act otherwise than with justice. Be always just, that is nearer to righteousness. (Ch.5:V.9)

This is the standard of tolerance and justice in Islam. Islam advocates that do not respond to the low and base allegations of the opponents because to do that would make you just as cruel. If you can forgive, then forgive,
that is better. If you must seek revenge, then the recompense of an injury is no more than the injury inflicted on you.

An excellent example of this tolerance and forgiveness was set by the Holy Prophet of Islam(saw) who forgave all the persecutors at the time of the victory of Makkah. History bears testimony to this event. Ikramah was the greatest enemy of Islam. Despite the general amnesty proclaimed by the Holy Prophet(saw) on the day of victory, Ikramah picked a fight with the Muslims, suffered a defeat and then fled. When Ikramah’s wife pleaded for his forgiveness, the Holy Prophet(saw) forgave. Immediately after forgiveness, when Ikramah appeared before the Holy Prophet(saw), he said to him arrogantly that ‘if you think that because of your forgiveness I have also become a Muslim, then let it be clear that I have not become a Muslim. If you can forgive me while I remain steadfast on my own faith, then that is fine, otherwise I leave’. The Holy Prophet(saw) said: ‘You can, no doubt, remain steadfast on your faith. You are free in every way.’ Moreover, thousands of Makkans had not accepted Islam and despite their defeat exercised their right of freedom of faith. So this is the teaching of the Holy Qur’an and the example set by the Holy Prophet(saw) on this matter.

I shall present some other examples of freedom of speech and tolerance.

Once the Holy Prophet(saw) bought a camel from a Bedouin in exchange for about 90 kilos of dried dates. When the Prophet got home, he found that the dates had all gone.

In all honesty and simplicity, he went to the Bedouin and said frankly to him, ‘O man of God! I bought a camel in exchange for dried dates and I thought that I had that much dates with me but when I reached home, I discovered that I did not have that many dates.’ The Bedouin said: ‘O defrauder!’ The people began to tell the Bedouin off for talking to the Messenger of God in that manner but the Holy Prophet(saw) said: ‘Let him be.’(Masnad Ahmad bin Hanbal Vol.6 p.268 published Beirut)

Now see this is how the ruler of the day dealt with an ordinary man. This was the standard of granting the freedom of speech and the standard of his forbearance.

Then let me present an incident about the freedom of faith with reference to people of other faiths. Once a delegation of Christians from Najaran came to the Holy Prophet(saw). During this meeting with him in the Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah, the time for the Christians to say their prayers arose and they began to go outside. The Holy Prophet(saw) invited them to offer their prayers in the Mosque. Then the pact drawn with these Christians of Najaran granted them full freedom of faith and it was made incumbent upon the Muslims to protect their churches. No church should be destroyed nor should any priest be evicted or expelled. Nor should any right of theirs be diminished. Nor should any Christian be required to change his faith. The proclamation was that the Holy Prophet(saw) hereby warrants his personal assurance. The pact went so far as to say that if the Muslims wish to help fund the repair etc. of the Christian churches, it would be an act of benevolence on their part.

With regard to justice, truth and the freedom of faith, the Founder of Jama’at Ahmadiyya, Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) states that it is proven that once a dispute between a Muslim and a Jew came before the Holy Prophet(saw). The Holy Prophet(saw) determined that the Jew was true and decreed against the claims of the Muslim. Then quoting the Holy Qur’an, he states that this verse means ‘O Prophet! ask the people of the Book and the ignorant people of Arabia to enter the religion of Islam. So if they enter Islam, they have attained guidance but if they turn away, then your work is only to convey the Message of God.’ It is not written in this verse that it is your task to wage war against them.

It is obvious from this verse that war was only permitted against the criminals who killed the Muslims or interfered with the maintenance of peace and were busy in theft and robbery. This war was as a result of his being a Commander and not because of his prophethood. Allah says ‘fight in the cause of the Lord against those who fight with you’, that is to say, ‘be disinterested in others and do not commit any excess’. God does not like those who commit excesses.

So this is the beautiful teaching of Islam and the excellent example of the Holy Prophet of Islam(saw), a specimen of which I have laid before you. It is a great travesty to allege that there is no concept of freedom of faith and conscience in Islam. We should not construe the vested interest of a few individuals as Islam nor can it be construed as such.

In any case, it would have become abundantly clear that whereas there is freedom of speech and tolerance in Islam, there is also the respect for mankind and forbearance.

In keeping within the constraints of time, I rest my case. I am most grateful to all of you. I think that the food is ready, and I do not wish to come between your food and you. I am most grateful to you who have come here today and listened to me, tolerantly. If we can meet together, many misunderstandings about each other can be removed. I once again thank you from the bottom of my heart for sparing your time to be with us today.

Thank you.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Jangan Zalim

Dalam syarat yang kedua juga diseru agar jangan melakukan kezaliman. Allah Ta'ala berfirman dalam Al-Qur'an surah Az-Zukhruf ayat 66 iaitu "maka berselisihlah golongan-golongan (yang terdapat) di antara mereka, lalu kecelakaan yang besarlah bagi orang-orang yang zalim, yakni siksaan hari yang pedih".

Hazrat Jabir r.a menjelaskan bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda; hindari zalim kerana pada hari kiamat, zalim akan muncul di hadapan dalam bentuk kegelapan. hindari juga tamak, bakhil dan dengki kerana tamak, bakhil dan dengki telah menghancurkan orang-orang dahulu, mereka telah menumpahkan darah dan mereka telah menghina benda-benda yang patut dimuliakan. (Masnad Ahmad bin Hambal, Jilid 3, halaman 323)

Menahan hak orang lain juga termasuk dalam zalim. Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas'ud meriwayatkan; saya telah berkata; Ya Rasulullah! Apakah kezaliman yang paling besar? Rasulullah s.a.w menjawab; Kezaliman yang paling besar ialah seseorang yang menahan hak tanah saudaranya dengan satu tangan. Walaupun hanya sebutir batu di tanah tersebut diambil secara zalim, semua lapisan pada tanah tersebut akan menjadi belenggu dan dipakaikan di lehernya pada hari kiamat. Dan, kedalaman tanah tersebut tidak ada yang mengetahuinya kecuali Wujud yang telah menciptakannya.

Ada segelintir orang yang tidak menunaikan hak saudara atau jirannya, atau ada juga yang mengambil secara paksa harta saudaranya ketika ada perebutan harta, merampas tanah saudara. Mereka ini hendaklah berfikir kembali. Selepas menjadi Ahmadi, seiring dengan syarat bai'at bahawa tidak akan merampas hak orang lain, tidak akan berlaku zalim, hal ini hendaklah direnungkan kembali.

Ada satu hadis, Hazrat Abu Hurairah r.a meriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Tahukah kamu siapa yang dikatakan muflis? Kami menjawab: Orang yang tidak mempunyai duit dan harta. Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Umatku yang muflis adalah mereka yang dibangkitkan pada hari kiamat dengan membawa amalan solat, puasa, zakat dan sebagainya tetapi dia telah menghina sesiapa, membuat tuduhan, makan harta orang lain, atau telah membunuh tanpa hak, atau telah memukul sesiapa. Maka, orang-orang yang teraniaya itu akan diberikan kebaikan-kebaikan mereka sehingga apabila sebelum hak mereka disempurnakan, semua kebaikan telah habis, maka dosa orang teraniaya akan mereka tanggung. Demikianlah, sebagai ganti mendapat syurga, mereka dihumban ke neraka. Inilah orang-orang yang muflis. (Muslim, Kitabul Birri Was Sholaat, Baab Tahriimuz Zulum)

Sekarang fikirkan dan renungkan, setiap dari kita hendaklah berfikir. Sesiapapun yang ada melakukan hal seperti ini, mereka patut risau. Mudah-mudahan jangan sampai ada di antara kita yang berjumpa dengan Allah Ta'ala dalam keadaan muflis.

Hazrat Masih Mau'ud a.s berkata: "Semua anggota Jemaatku yang hadir di sini sekarang, atau mereka yang berada di tempat masing-masing, dengarlah wasiyat ini dengan penuh perhatian. Mereka yang masuk dalam jemaat ini dan berhasrat menjadi murid kepadaku, dengan tujuan mereka menjadi baik, berakhlak dan mendapat tingkat ketakwaan yang tinggi, dan jangan ada kerosakan, kejahatan, dan perbuatan buruk yang mendekati mereka. Wasiyat itu adalah teratur dalam menunaikan solat lima waktu, tidak berkata dusta, tidak menyakiti sesiapa dengan lidah, tidak terlibat melakukan kejahatan, dan jangan pernah timbul dalam hati fikiran kejahatan, zalim, kerosakan dan fitnah-fitnah. Berusaha menjauhi setiap maksiat dan dosa samada dengan perbuatan atau ucapan. Nafsu sendiri dan perbuatan yang buruk hendaklah dihindari, serta memperhambakan diri kepada Allah dengan hati yang bersih tanpa ada keburukan. Dan tidak ada makanan haram di sisinya.......

Mereka juga hendaklah berperikemanusiaan kepada semua manusia, takut kepada Allah, menghindari hatinya dari setiap fikiran jahat dan cara-cara yang merosakkan serta khianat. Benar-benar teratur dalam mendirikan solat lima waktu, insaf dari kezaliman, perbuatan melampau, rasuah, merampas hak dan bersubahat. Jangan melakukan persahabatan yang buruk jika akhirnya nanti terbukti bahawa orang yang berhubungan dengannya adalah orang yang tidak mengikut perintah Tuhan, ....... atau tidak menunaikan hak-hak hamba, atau zalim, jahat dan berperilaku buruk, atau orang yang kamu hubungi itu, dengan harapan mereka akan bai'at, sedangkan mereka itu berlidah kotor, penipu, suka membuat tuduhan palsu, berdusta dan mempunyai adat menipu hamba-hamba Allah, jadi, jika ada yang seperti itu, kamu wajib menjauhi orang seperti itu, dan hindari mereka yang berbahaya itu. Jangan pernah menyimpan niat untuk merugikan mana-mana pengikut suatu mazhab, suatu kaum atau suatu kelompok. Jadilah kamu sebagai penasihat bagi yang lain. Jangan biarkan orang-orang yang jahat, perosak, dan yang berperangai buruk berada dalam majlis-majlis kamu, dan jangan juga biarkan mereka tinggal di rumah kamu, kerana dikhuatiri mereka boleh mencelakakan kamu di kemudian hari.

Kemudian berkata lagi:-

"Inilah perkara dan syarat-syarat yang telah saya nyatakan sejak dari awal lagi. Setiap anggota dari Jemaatku wajib melaksanakan semua wasiat-wasiat ini, dan seharusnya dalam majlis-majlis kamu tidak wujud ketidaksucian, penghinaan, dan ejekan, dan berjalanlah di muka bumi dengan hati yang bersih, fitrat yang suci dan fikiran yang baik. Dan ingatlah bahawa tidak ada seseorang yang mampu melawan kejahatan, sebab itu amat perlu untuk banyak memberi maaf, banyak bersabar dan berlemah-lembut. Jangan ada sesiapa yang menyerang orang lain dengan cara yang tidak betul. Kawal emosi kamu, dan jika ada perdebatan agama, gunakanlah tutur kata yang baik. Jika ada yang cuba berkasar atau dengan cara yang jahil, beri salam dan bangkit segera dari majlis mereka. Jika kamu dihina, dimaki hamun, dan digunakan kata-kata kesat menyerang kamu, kawal perasaan kamu dan berhati-hatilah, sebab jika kamu bangkit dan bertindak seperti mereka, maka keadaan kamu sama seperti mereka juga. Tuhan berkehendak agar kamu menjadi Jemaat contoh dalam kebaikan. Jadi, keluarkanlah orang-orang yang jahat, yang berkelakuan buruk dan menimbulkan banyak fitnah-fitnah dari kelompok kamu. Orang yang tidak dapat hidup dalam Jemaat kita bersama dengan mereka yang miskin, yang baik, yang bertakwa, yang lemah lembut, ucapan yang sederhana, beradat baik, dan dengan orang yang berkelakuan baik, maka orang berkenaan akan terpisah daripada kita dengan segera kerana Tuhan tidak mahu orang seperti itu berada di kalangan kita. Orang-orang seperti itu akan mati dalam keadaan malang kerana mereka tidak memilih jalan yang baik. Jadi, berhati-hatilah, berusahalah menjadi orang yang berhati bersih, sederhana dan penuh dengan ketakwaan. Kamu akan dikenali melalui akhlak dan solat lima waktu kamu, dan mereka yang ada benih kejahatan, mereka tidak akan kekal atas nasihat ini." (Isytihar, 29 Mei 1898, Tabligh Risalat, Jilid 6, halaman 42-43)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Love Slogan Campaign

Muslim 'love' slogan campaign for West Yorkshire buses

'Love for all, hatred for none' is the message appearing on buses in West Yorkshire.
It's from the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association and mirrors a similar series of adverts produced for buses by atheists last year.
Munir Ahmed, President of the Huddersfield Association, hopes the message will change public opinion.
He says:"Hopefully these banners will catch the eye to give a positive message for a change."
The campaign posters are supported by a new website and are an extension of the initial launch in London where the project started earlier this year.
The idea is to emphasise ideals that relate to the Islamic faith, but do not always attract media attention. The slogans on the buses are the key themes of peace, respect, equality, freedom, and loyalty.
Munir Ahmed says: "Those are the core Islamic values and we want to make sure that message goes out to everybody, a positive message."
Mohammed Iqbal is President of the Bradford North Ahmadiyya Association. He says: "We think it's important to convey the peaceful nature of Islam. The fear is that if you keep on seeing the negative images in the media it will have an impact."
The campaign has received support from Godfrey Bloom, Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire UKIP MEP. He says: "The bus campaign by the Ahmadiyya Association is a demonstration of commitment to these goals to which the vast majority of us in the United Kingdom subscribe."
Last year an atheist group ran a similar campaign with bus slogans saying 'There's probably no God - so stop worrying and enjoy your life.' Naomi Phillips of the British Humanist Association says she felt that campaign had stimulated religious debate.
She welcomes the Muslim bus poster campaign now running in West Yorkshire: "There's a lot of negative press about Islam and organisations wishing to promote a more positive message is probably not a bad thing."
The Ahmadiyya Muslim community differs from many Muslims in its belief in the importance of the writings of its founder Hadhrat Ahmad, who the community believes is the Promised One 'awaited throughout the world in various faiths'.

Makkah Al-Mukarramah

  Wahai anak-anak! Kita semua tahu bahawa alam ini diciptakan oleh Allah semata-mata untuk kekasih-Nya Nabi Muhammad sallallaahu alaihi wa...